
I began work as a printmaker in London in 1983. Two years later I was awarded a painting scholarship to the Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen. At the time, contemporary art in Denmark was influenced by Neo-Expressionism and I experimented in figurative symbolism using bold marks and strong colours. On my return to the UK in 1986, I moved to Bristol. It was an exciting place and time to be an artist. My painting underwent a process of reduction and became more abstract. I used organic forms that were based on the patterns found in natural world. Environmental symbolism played a role where arcs, trees and seeds became constant themes in my work. My paintings became a celebration of the rhythms and beauty of nature.

My move to Co.Clare in 1996 represented a deep need to be immersed in the natural world. It’s sheer beauty and timeless qualities had me bewitched. My art continued, and in 2006 I began a four year photography project based on a study of the natural surfaces of Co.Clare. I combined pairs of photographs, the patterns in each one effecting the other. I travelled around the county exploring and recording it’s huge variety of surfaces. Co.Clare astounds me and I am grateful that I live and work here. It’s varied landscape offers me a great opportunity to find new ways to paint and express myself. My paintings usually begin at some location that fires my imagination. A place where key elements converge with my own desire to portray the emotional effect that nature can inspire within us. I love the way that water either in the air or on the land has a huge influence on the way I paint. Colour, tone and mark are blended together to loosely create an image that attempts to convey the essence of a place. Sometimes a place is invented. This is to examine a theme or idea I’ve had that I need to paint.

Usually my pictures have a focal point, maybe a hill, tree or band of colour. We are invited to look across and reach this place where hope, freedom, understanding or peace might exist.

Curriculum Vitae

Mobile: 087 754 9405

2023 Cliffs Of Moher Hotel, Co.Clare.
1992 Sue Williams Gallery, London – paintings
1991 Gallery 10, London – paintings
1990 Castberg Fine Art, London – works on paper
1990 Theatre Royal, Old Vic, Bristol – paintings
1990 Sue Williams Gallery, London – paintings
1986 Royal Academy of Art, Rabskaelderen, Copenhagen – paintings

2016 Glór Gallery, Ennis – ‘Green, 40 Shades of Clare’ – paintings
1988 Allsop Gallery, Bridport – ‘Two Painters’
1984 Booth House Gallery, nr Huddersfield

2024 Mill Cove Gallery, Kenmare. Paintings on show
2024 Mountshannon Arts Festival
2024-2023 Greenlane Gallery, Dingle
2022-2019 Russell Gallery, Co.Clare
2018-2017 Trinity Gallery, Dublin
2009 Iniscealtra Festival of Arts, Mountshannon, Co.Clare
1995 Kilvert Gallery, Hay on Wye, Wales
1994 London Contemporary Art Fair. Represented by Sue Williams Gallery
1994 Kilvert Gallery, Hay on Wye, Wales
1994 ‘Friends of the Tate’ exhibition, Truro, Cornwall
1992-1987 Lynne Stern Associates, London
1992 Still Price Court Twivy D’Souza Lintus Ltd, London
1991 Glen Wickham Gallery, London – Amnesty International
1991 Praxis Gallery, Bristol – ‘Three Painters’
1991 Olympia International Art Fair, London
1987 Barbican, London, Athena Art Awards
1987 Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol – ‘Three Painters’

2002-2006 L.I.T Limerick School of Art and Design-
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Graphic Design; Grade; 2:1
Bachelor of Arts: Design in Communications; Pass with Merit – Grade 1
1992-1993 South Bristol College, City & Guilds – Teaching Certificate
1985-1986 Royal Academy of Art, Copenhagen – Painting Scholarship
1978-1982 Epsom School of Art – Higher National Diploma

2022 Cill Rialaig, Ballinskelligs, Co.Kerry – Art residency
2019-2008 Glór Gallery, Ennis – exhibition hanger
2017 Joint selector for ‘Halcyon Days’ exhibition at Glór Gallery, Ennis
2010 City Museum, Ennis – hung photo archival exhibition for Clare county council
2009 Book of photographs entitled Clare; A detailed look at the natural surfaces of Co.Clare.
2008 ‘CELT’ (Centre for Environmental Living & Training) – Logo Design
1996-1993 The Gallery, Bristol – member of steering and selection committee
1995-1987 Employed by Bristol University to teach Art and Graphics at Bristol Prison
1993-1991 Arnolfini, Bristol – training courses for teachers of art and design
1992-1988 Youth Education Service, Bristol – Training Supervisor of Art, Design & Printmaking
1990 ‘Emergency Radio Music Station 99.9FM’, Bristol – graphic design and poster
1988 ‘Amnesty International’, London – top selling T-shirt design
1986 ‘Werner Music Recording Studios’, Copenhagen – large mural for recreation area

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